Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Office Window

Look at the window, closed for sure,
Covered with dust, and corners with rust,
Seems to be staring blank at you,
“What are you looking?? Is it the past or the future??” asks the window.

“The future is what you see beyond,
You keep trying, but hardly visible.”
“The past is what you see reflecting,
Blank on you face, you cannot hide.”

“The Present is what you need to see,
The dust, the rust that rests today,”

“Clearing the same will help you see,
The Future beyond, the life ahead,
The past won’t be visible, the reflections gone,
The clear Present greets you all”

“So rise up today and clear the window,
To clear the dust, the rust that rests.
As today is yours for you to win,
Over the past, in the present, to look at future that lies in front.”

Note: The Office window is staring so don’t forget to have a close look.